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Can Caffeine Make You Stronger?

Caffeine is one of the most heavily researched supplements! Caffeine in its purest form is odourless, bitter crystals.

  • Caffeine is found in energy drinks, coffee, pre workout, carbonated/fizzy drinks, caffeine pills, tea and in lower doses such as in decaf coffee, herbal tea and some foods.

  • Caffeine works as an antagonist to adenosine receptors, which causes sedation, relaxing and tiredness. Essentially, caffeine works to block those adenosine receptors. = this causes alertness, wakefulness.🤯


  • Caffeine is a powerful stimulant which can be used to improve physical strength and endurance. Caffeine is classified as a nootropic (meaning its ingested primarily for its benefits on the brain) through sensitivities, nervousness and providing mental stimulation.🧠

  • Increased alertness ➡️ increased focus, clarity and mind to muscle connection OR pushing yourself harder in the gym = increased chances of hypertrophy!💪🏻

  • Multiple studies agree and conclude that caffeine has a notable magnitude on power output, including weight lifting, in both sedentary and trained persons. The research found a significant increase in power output for weight lifting as well as cycling with doses of caffeine exceeding 5mg/kg body weight. Lower doses or caffeine tolerances (from excess consumption) are not as effective.🧠☕️

  • Habitual caffeine intake is also associated with a reduced risk of liver cancer, alzheimers and cirrhosis.


Research conducted by Fett et al., 2017 - which focused on muscular strength and fatigue tolerance in young, trained women, found that caffeine consumption before a workout may increase both strength and strength endurance. Thus, the ability to continue with the same effort throughout the workout. The conclusion was that caffeine can boost your performance acutely in terms of both 1RM strength and reps to failure.

  • The effect is much more pronounced for lower body exercises. The research concluded that caffeine consumption pre workout will give you more of a boost for heavy squat workout than a heavy bench.

  • To maximise the ergogenic effect (performance), you need to consume ATLEAST 3mg/kg preworkout, and between 3-6mg/kg bodyweight is optimal.

  • If you’re naive to caffeine / not a usual caffeine consumer, starting with a lower dose is best to see how you tolerate it. If you have already built up a caffeine tolerance, you may need to stop using caffeine, bar the hardest workout or two each week (e.g picking a squat day over a bench day to use the preworkout/caffeine) to maximise the performance-boosting effects of caffeine. This should be consumed 30-60 minutes prior to exercise.

So do I recommend caffeine?


To maximise performance, I really really recommend consuming some form of caffeine preworkout. Whether it be a coffee, an energy drink or pre-workout. Take it sparingly where needed - but definitely worth including!

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